Success Stories
Your funds can help brother Babu suffering from spinal cord injury to buy medicines
- 1,650Goal
- 1750 Funded
- 0Balance
Urgent appeal to our supporters to help us raise funds for Fuel required by Icare Foundation vehicles
- 10,000Goal
- 10000 Funded
- 0Balance
Kindly donate your funds for a beautiful cause of sister Seema's marriage!
- 6,000Goal
- 6000 Funded
- 0Balance
Urgent appeal to you to help brother Khader recovering from leg fracture surgery to get ration kit for sustenance
- 4,500Goal
- 4500 Funded
- 0Balance
Donate your funds to help inmates of ICare Old age home obtain medicines and basic needs
- 5,000Goal
- 5000 Funded
- 0Balance
Your funds can help poor sister Rukhiya Bi from Chitradurga to get ration aid
- 1,200Goal
- 1200 Funded
- 0Balance
Your funds can help elderly senior brother Khuddus sab for ration and medicines
- 2,500Goal
- 2500 Funded
- 0Balance
Kindly Donate To Icare Old Age Home And Destitute Center Towards Purchase Of Raw Vegetables And Grocery Items
- 5,000Goal
- 5500 Funded
- 0Balance
Your funds can help a paramedical student Hamza to purchase books and supplies
- 787Goal
- 787 Funded
- 0Balance